Liverpool is a great city, there are no to opinions about this. If you live here, or planning to move to Liverpool anytime soon, you should know that you are going to live in the same city where some of the most important and influential personas in British pop culture and social life were born. Liverpool has given a lot to the world. Those people are part of this gift. Here is a list, far from complete, of some of the best known names originating from Liverpool:
Paul McCartney. Well, there is no way we do not start with the famous Beatles member. Sir Paul McCartney was born in Liverpool in 1942. His work in music has helped change the course of the industry, and in history, some may argue, in the 1960s. He is a household name around the world, and even today stays an influential figure thanks to his extensive charitable work.
- Publisher Paul Raymond is another person who deserves to be on the list of famous and important Liverpool residents. In addition to being a publisher, he was also an entertainment industry mogul and real estate developer. His magazines and real estate empire made him the richest man in Britain. Paul Raymond died in 2008. If you want to learn more about his life and business adventures, just watch the wonderful film based on his life, The Look of Love, which came out in 2013.
- Clive Barker. Now we are talking about some hard-core stuff. Author Clive Barker is chiefly known for being the creator of the cult horror-film villain Pinhead and the story for the Hellraiser franchise. What fewer people know is that he is also a magnificent writer, whose beautifully haunting prose style is one of the greatest achievements of contemporary English literature.
- W.E. Gladstone was a four time Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1868–74, 1880–85, 1886, 1892–94). We was first elected to Parliament at the frail age of 23, but what he lacked in experience he definitely made up for in courage, motivation and talent. Among his greatest achievements are the expansion of voting rights and the reforms in Ireland. He was also born in Liverpool.
- Another person born in Liverpool who deserves to be mentioned on our list is, naturally, the activist and a sort of a folk hero James Larkin, who was born here in 1876 to a working class family. He established the Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union, the biggest Irish workers’ union. Even today Larkin is an inspiration for thousands of people.
These are only a few of the names that deserve to be mentioned in relation to Liverpool. The list can be continued without stopping. We are certain that if you have already booked the man and van service to move you to Liverpool, you will not regret your decision, because you will be happy to share a place of residence with such individuals.